The history of slavery in Cuba is a complicated one. Dependent upon free slave labor to run its plantations, slavery in Cuba was part of the larger Atlantic slave trade until it was abolished in 1886. While it took a decree from Spain to officially end slavery, it was an American abolitionist named Henry Highland Garnet who called for the invasion of Cuba to free slaves in 1873. Reverend Garnet was born into slavery in Maryland in 1815. Unwilling to accept his fate in life, he managed to escape from enslavement by 1824 departing from the South along with several other family members. He and his family managed to reunite in New York City where he received public education by enrolling in the African Free School in 1826. In 1828, he traveled for work as a cabin boy to Cuba and beyond. Upon his return to the United States in 1829, he made the untimely discovery that several members of his family had been pursued by slave catchers who were now after him too. Fortunately, his friends helped Garnet escape to Long Island NY. The life story of HH Garnet is truly remarkable and represents a chapter in history all Americans should be proud of. Perhaps most impressive was Garnet’s fierce commitment to justice — for all of those affected by slavery, even those beyond American shores.
One of Henry H Garnet’s most famous quotes is from “An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America,: where he famously proclaimed to the audience:
“Neither god, nor angels, or just men, command you to suffer for a single moment. Therefore it is your solemn and imperative duty to use every means, both moral, intellectual, and physical that promises success.“
Some excellent writing on the topic as well as quotes by Henry H Garnet may be found here : and also here :