As many already may know, Donald Trump and Che Guevara share the same birthday – June 14th. In the midst of the Trump indictment by a Manhattan grand jury, there has been speculation that Trump may overtake Che as a political symbol. While some have attempted to draw parallels between a Cuban revolutionary and a politician billionaire (why? because why not), now might be an apparent moment for a brief historical review.

Che Guevara – About
Born in Argentina (not Cuba)
Came from a wealthy family
Was disqualified from the military due to asthma
Was of Spanish and Irish ancestry (Patrick Lynch was an ancestor)
Studied medicine and was qualified as a doctor – “Dr.Guevara” – specializing in dermatology
While he never practiced medicine, the severe poverty and suffering he witnessed had a profound effect; he once stated “”I began to look into what I needed to be, a revolutionary doctor.”
Initially admitted into Castro’s army for his medical expertise
Eventually rose to fame due to his skills in guerilla warfare
Wrote a book called “The Motorcycle Diaries” The book described poverty he witnessed while traveling in Latin America.
Guevara went to Africa in 1965 to assist in the disastrous Congo Crisis
No saint- was a mass murderer
Homophobic and racist statements1
Was captured and executed in Bolivia, age 39
The tactics utilized by Che Guevara and those involved in guerilla warfare are categorically inhumane. As such, Che remains a controversial historical figure. One thing not up for debate, however, was his commitment to his mission and beliefs. The methods he utilized for accomplishing his revolutionary goals, well, that is a whole different story.