One of the world’s most underrated foods has to be the serrano chile pepper. Most people are familiar with the world famous jalapeno or the infamously hot habanero, yet the small but mighty serrano is often overlooked and perhaps even misunderstood. That must change. The serrano deserves to be recognized for all its greatness. This is not just an ordinary chile pepper. It’s something far more intricate and powerful. Yet its power has been massively overlooked. It has to be one of the world’s most underrated and misunderstood peppers. The serrano is even misnamed “Capsiscum annuum” implying it’s an annual plant (annum = lasts only one year) when it’s actually a perennial or a plant that returns every year. Even more ominously, as a member of the Solanaceae family it’s a relative of the deadly nightshade plant. Not to worry though, potatoes and tomatoes are also members of the nightshade family. The serrano, however, is no small potato. Here are some more interesting facts about the serrano:
- Serrano peppers are hotter than jalapenos but not as hot as habaneros. Their heat level ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 Scoville units. That is a fairly wide range for any pepper. It could be mild hot to very medium hot. Make sure to taste a small sample from the pepper (all sections) before adding to any recipe.
- The white pith (or inner wall) inside the pepper (not the seeds) is the hottest part. Remove it to reduce the heat level.
- The word serrano literally means mountain in Spanish. Serranos originate from the mountains (sierras) of Mexico.
- Green colored serranos are commonly found in grocery stores. They are red when fully ripened. Fully ripened red serrano peppers are sweeter, similar to other fruits like bananas which also have increased sugar content once fully ripe.
- Peppers can be dried, fermented or even made into alcohol.
- They contain capsaicin, a compound well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties and medicinal uses
- Also contain vitamin C and other nutrients
- A single serrano plant can produce over 50 individual peppers but the plants are very sensitive to frost and cold.
- They can be grown indoors
- Are usually consumed raw but can also be grilled to impart complex smokey flavors mixed with heat
- While most commonly used in Mexican sauces and salsas, serranos are also used in Thai and Indian cuisine

So the next time you’re out shopping and happen to pass by the fresh vegetable section in the grocery store, take a moment and consider the serrano. They are lightweight, small and relatively inexpensive — but their heat and zingy flavor can be used to create some really great recipes.